Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Crib Sheets

This picture has nothing to do with my rant, but you're just so darn cute!
I hate crib sheets. Not the cheating on a test in high school kind, but the ones that NEVER seem to fit on your mattress. They come off easily enough, but try to put one back on, NOOOOOOO! I spend the better part of an hour getting the corners securely doesn't matter if they are new out of the package! Nor the brand! Cheap or expensive! No name or designer brand! I used to think they shrunk in the, they are just EVIL! They do not want to stay put! It's hard enough stuffing between the slats, but all the toys, the bumper...and Go forbid they need to be changed earlier because you hd a little accident. Can someone PLEASE come up with better fitting sheets!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my daughter's mattress is slightly larger than average so i've dealt with the same struggles. knit sheets (though the tiniest bit higher in price) fit easily. best of luck!

2:07 AM  

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