Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Beach Baby

Look at you big boy! I was afraid to bring you to the beach w/out much stuff because I over packed, the sun, the sand, if it was hot...if you freaked put about being in the water.But you were such a trooper! A little crabby, but that was because it was lunchtime! You watched Timothy play, and tried flirting with the girls up the beach. I'm sorry that I don't have that camera on top of my head to capture I missed your face as your toes touched wet sand, as the wave rolled in over your toes for the first time, the contented look as I held you while you started falling asleep. I never got shots of your little footprints in the sand...but before I know it, you'll be walking down the beach on your own and I'll have shots of the blur you create running by. How I wish I could make time stand still.


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