Friday, August 26, 2005


Ok, what's with your latest trick? Why do you keep screaming/crying in the middle of the night, yet your still asleep and/or fall asleep if I hold you or let you come to bed with me?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sit Up Straight

Finally! You can sit without holding onto or being propped up by anything! Of course this now means one step closer to everything else....

Monday, August 15, 2005

Dream Weaver

What thoughts go through that little head of yours as you sleep? Sometimes you smile, or giggle...but thenthere are wimpers and drool...are you plotting to take over the world? Can you remember things from days, weeks ago? Are you dreaming wild, creative, colorful dreams?

Even as you snooze, your hands still occasionally move about...not always the clenched fits we used to see n your earlier days...but now open long before waving fingers? These hands sure have become busy little hands, holding, reaching, grasping at everything in sight. So much coordination in such a young, little body.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Where have the months gone?

Tomorrow you're 7 months old kiddo. My how you've grown. You constantly amaze me...yesterday you showed me that you can crawl forward, you just choose not to. Today you showed me that you know your stars are supposed to stack...even if you can't quite get them there if only we can get that tooth to pop through already. I don't know about you, but I've had enough of this teething.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Road to nowhere...

If that was our first ever road trip, it would've been our last for a long, long time...or at least until your tooth finally popped. How can I drive when you're back there turning bright red, screaming so much and getting so worked up that you're choking over it. Every rest stop...even the side of the long till you fall asleep? Is it the car seat or teething? Or both? You're so much happier once your out of the car seat...yet later you had obvious teething issues. At least we're home now...for a few weeks...can we manage short trips? I hope so. We can certainally leave this experience in the past. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Crib Sheets

This picture has nothing to do with my rant, but you're just so darn cute!
I hate crib sheets. Not the cheating on a test in high school kind, but the ones that NEVER seem to fit on your mattress. They come off easily enough, but try to put one back on, NOOOOOOO! I spend the better part of an hour getting the corners securely doesn't matter if they are new out of the package! Nor the brand! Cheap or expensive! No name or designer brand! I used to think they shrunk in the, they are just EVIL! They do not want to stay put! It's hard enough stuffing between the slats, but all the toys, the bumper...and Go forbid they need to be changed earlier because you hd a little accident. Can someone PLEASE come up with better fitting sheets!