Friday, August 22, 2008

Silly Emmy

Lately both kids have been doing some pretty silly/crazy things. The imaginations are in high gear, so maybe reviving the nitty gritty to keep track of the insanity makes sense. Today, Em showed a sign of taking after Daddy. She insisted on taking a box of Mac & cheese, not because it's the cheesiest, not as a shaka-shaka box, but to eat the noodles. Crunch crunch crunch... how she can like uncooked noodles is beyond me, but apparently Daddy did as well at one time in history. And it's now repeating itself in his little girl.
Yesterday Nicholas came to me with his bigger than a matchbox car sized school bus & told me it was dirty. But it didn't need a car wash, apparently it had a dirty bum, so it needed a poopy diaper removal, some wipes and a diaper. How does one diaper a bus exactly? I never did find out, since he wandered onto something else.
Then there are the dragons, alligators and ghosts in the house. Not scary ones, but apparently they like to play in our "elevator" Go figure.


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