Thursday, June 30, 2005

Terrible teeth

Oh cry's got to be your teeth. Why else would you be happily bobbing in your jumpy one minute then sudden full on tears and's going to be a loooooooong day

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


You've come so far so fast. I think I want to give you another blog...just as a timeline...your birth pics, 1 week, 1 month etc...a bit easier to read. Once I have some free time....

Stand up baby, stand up!

Look at you sitting up! Getting there...funny how much better you do if you can put your hands on something a bit higher than the floor...and standing! You hold onto the table so well! I just have fears of you slaming your head on the least it doesn't have corners!

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I've been flipping through other peoples blogs...and I have to say there are some great Dads out there creating wonderful sites...some through word, some through pictures. It's funny to read others stories and say "Hey, I went through that" or "Gee, Nicholas is doing that too". I've gotten some ideas from others as well...if only there was more time in the day when kiddo was quiet or sleeping to read more, or blog, or heaven forbid, clean the house. HA! If anything, it would be spent to figure out why oh why my little man has taken to screeching that God aweful noise when he's cranky...and why is he cranky? Besides teething, could it be because he has completely screwed up his sleep schedule? Will we ever go back to a full nights sleep? I need a magic 8 ball...or a fortune cookie

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Daddy or Nicholas's Day?

Ah, yet another parental "Holiday"that didn't go quite as planned due to cranky pants. It's most likely that darn tooth, but we avoided the oatmeal just in case. I hate not being able to help, and it sucks seeing him go from smiling, happy drooly baby one minute to screaming bloody murder movie drama king the next. Thank God for the swing.

Hey, if it helps you sleep, go right ahead at this point!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Alert = ?

"He's so alert!"
As opposed to what?
I always found that statement humorous...exactly what did/does it mean? He always seems that way to me when he's awake... We've been told that for a few mnths now, and heard it from two Moms again today. So, does this mean I have a possible prodigy on my hands? Or should I have laid off the caffine more when nursing?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Pouty baby, cranky baby...the heat spell as broken, I'm hoping so has your mood...unless it's been because of your teeth

But so sweet when you fall asleep.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Baby Tongue

What's with the tongue action? It's very he dreaming of having a bottle?

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Quiet time

Sleeping like an angel...why is it that sometimes he seems to have the mind & stomach of a dog? Eat & eat till he gets sick. That's drama. That's messy. At least the crying spell passes quickly...except when you try to peel the wet outfit off. Yuck

Friday, June 10, 2005

The face...

That face. God,I love that face...even when it's full of tears. Or screetching. Ok, maybe not as much then, but when he's smiling, the world stands still.
Why is it that some days we can go out & he's an angel, others, not so much. We actually got to eat dinner out tonight...he just sat and looked around, smiling at everyone until he took a nap. Last Sunday, it was Mommy-Daddy tag teaming the walk around outside at breakfast. Maybe it's the magic of the stroller...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

It's a BOY!

Feet, yes you have feet... I knew that he's been playing with them the past few days...but I noticed something else...he now seem aware that he's a boy. I find that funny. He won't if he reads this as a teenager

Thursday, June 02, 2005

The amazing, the one, the only...

Things Nicholas has accomplished since birth & amazed me with:
Doubled his puny little birth weight, (Probably tripled by now)
Not just giggles, but deep belly laughs
How he cares about his "buddies"
Rolling on and on and on
The way he studies everything
The way he fakes being mad or upset to get attention
The smile that lights up his whole face

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

A Mothers rant

More than just a face a mother loves... I decided I needed another space to comment on how Nicholas is doing...and I need to start it soon since the days are flying past. I have an actual paper journal, much like the one my Mother had when I was a baby, but sometimes I forget to write i it. Sad, isn't it. What's even sadder is that he'll be 5 months old on Monday the 13th. WHERE DID THE TIME GO??? He's growing by leaps and bounds! Before know it he'll be sitting unsupported and crawling...or that dang tooth will appear...or the first real words will be spoken.