Sunday, June 26, 2005


I've been flipping through other peoples blogs...and I have to say there are some great Dads out there creating wonderful sites...some through word, some through pictures. It's funny to read others stories and say "Hey, I went through that" or "Gee, Nicholas is doing that too". I've gotten some ideas from others as well...if only there was more time in the day when kiddo was quiet or sleeping to read more, or blog, or heaven forbid, clean the house. HA! If anything, it would be spent to figure out why oh why my little man has taken to screeching that God aweful noise when he's cranky...and why is he cranky? Besides teething, could it be because he has completely screwed up his sleep schedule? Will we ever go back to a full nights sleep? I need a magic 8 ball...or a fortune cookie


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