Thursday, October 09, 2008

Random Things

Why did Em bring a cup filled with forks to sit at her vanity with?

Me: "Nicholas, don't step on Bueller's tail"
Nicholas: "It looks like a button"

WHat is it about this kid and buttons??

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Momentous Days

Nicholas finally peed on the potty Monday! Still insists on a diaper and will not go without prompting, but was quite proud of himself. Yesterday he went a few times as welll, even a preview poop! Then last night he made up a peanut dance... wondering if that will appear again. So far this morning he won't set foot near the potty and only did a sunny dance. Time to bribe! After he takes off his "safety goggles" that he's using to take a swim around the house, the same one's Em's fighting him for. Such fun with the Monkey See, Monkey Do Duo.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Silly Emmy

Lately both kids have been doing some pretty silly/crazy things. The imaginations are in high gear, so maybe reviving the nitty gritty to keep track of the insanity makes sense. Today, Em showed a sign of taking after Daddy. She insisted on taking a box of Mac & cheese, not because it's the cheesiest, not as a shaka-shaka box, but to eat the noodles. Crunch crunch crunch... how she can like uncooked noodles is beyond me, but apparently Daddy did as well at one time in history. And it's now repeating itself in his little girl.
Yesterday Nicholas came to me with his bigger than a matchbox car sized school bus & told me it was dirty. But it didn't need a car wash, apparently it had a dirty bum, so it needed a poopy diaper removal, some wipes and a diaper. How does one diaper a bus exactly? I never did find out, since he wandered onto something else.
Then there are the dragons, alligators and ghosts in the house. Not scary ones, but apparently they like to play in our "elevator" Go figure.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Mommys Helper

So big! Today you took it upon yourself to pick up your dirty diaper off of the coffee table and walk over to the diaper pail and try to put it in all by one asked you to and you almost did it. Way to go kiddo!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Look Back

Wow, it's going to be a year. A year ago today a Dr told me I was going to be induced the next day...10 days earlier than when I thought you would arrive. Such panic. I wasn't ready. The house was a disaster, your car seat wasn't installed, my suitcase wasn't packed...but there was no turning back. And since then, it's been full steam ahead...and I woldn't have it any other way kiddo.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Finally! All we wanted for Christmas were two front teeth...and Santa delivered!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Oi, I've been bad about keeping a record about what you're doing...besides your daily stories. Your Grandmother kept a daily diary...even noting what and how much I ate in the early years...yeaaaaaaaaaaa...Not gonna happen. Sorry. You run me ragged now. You're crawling, cruising all over and a speed demon in your walker. I'm lucky to get anything done...(You're napping as I type this and I should be cleaning...sigh) But I wouldn't trade it for the world.